ALAN SMITH 23, 519", 168 lbs from Brooklyn, of Irish, English, Dutch and American Indian descent. After having spent four years in the navy as a Quartermaster, he has just recently become a Liberal Arts student at one of the New York Universities. He has great intellectual) curiosity and lots of charm. He shares many of the interests of his room mate Bill Heyne the photographer, such as good music, books, the theatre, and good conversation. They both have a great love for outdoor sports, particularly swimming, fishing, and just roughing it with a conee and pack, up in the Canadian wilds. Last August they spent several weeks up in the wild bush country of Northern Ontario, living like latter-day Indians. Two years ago the boys took up water skiing and are confirmed "addicts". Their next project is to save up money for a small sailboat or cruiser and cruise along the Atlantic Coast, doing some deep sea fishing of course.

Al is an expert diver and swimmer, winning a number of awards while in the Navy.

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BILL HEYNE, a photographer whose fine work has appeared often in many of the physique publications is a quite worthy subject himself. Being the same height, weight, and body build as his room mate Al Smith, they find their clothes interchangeable, except for shoes because Al's feet are bigger. Both fellows train three nights a week at the Sheridant Square Gym In Manhattan. They also do considerable modelling for artists and sculptors in the New York area.

Bill has always wanted to be an artist but since he determined he had no talent for drawing, he turned to photography has a substitute--the great bulk of his work being. devoted to scenics though he also does figure work.

He is a professional musician, a choral director, and singer (tenor), and teaches voice privately. He has given a number of concerts in New York and through-out the East.

Such a busy career, leaves littie free time, and Bill regrets that he cannot offer reproductions of the photos he takes. He allows them to be published because he likes to see as many new "converts" as possible won over to a healthy, vital way of life, and he feels the wonderful happiness he and Al have found might bet an inspiration for others. ? While he cautions that he will not have time to make a personal answer, he an Al would enjoy getting letters from other bodybuilders and new beginners who have resolved that they too can have a fuller life. The address is 259 West 12th Street, New York 14, New York. Page 5